Yogacycled, Collaboration and Scope 3, with Oxana Saimo, Yogacycled

Oxana Saimo is the co-founder of Yogacycled Wear, an eco-friendly activewear start-up, and the community specialist for Energy, Materials, and Infrastructure at the World Economic Forum, where she supports the engagement of industry partners in the Forum’s programs and activities.

Oxana has over a decade of project management experience and has worked in China, France, and Switzerland. Oxana speaks French, Russian, English, Chinese, and Japanese fluently, and holds a Chinese language and culture Master’s degree from Liaoning Normal University (China), and a Master’s degree in International Public Management from Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs (France). In her free time, Oxana enjoys exploring the Alps and researching on Chinese language, society, and culture. In 2022 her Chinese translation of “A Pearl of the Oriental at Dior”, published by CITIC Press Group, received many plaudits in China.

Oxana is passionate about sustainable development, circular economy, and energy transition, and is currently pursuing her degree in Sustainability studies at Harvard Extension School. In this discussion we talk about Scope 3, what led to the launch of Yogacycled, the importance of collaboration and how the world is tackling climate change.


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